Social Responsibility

A good education is one that prepares young people to take up their place in society as thoughtful, effective citizens.

A good education is one that prepares young people to take up their place in society as thoughtful, effective citizens and that develops an awareness of the needs and circumstances of other people, both in our local community and in the wider world.

We encourage pupils to understand that with opportunity comes responsibility, and we place great store by the values of tolerance, understanding and service

All characters, backgrounds and faiths are celebrated and welcome here. Our diverse school community represents the multi-cultural and international city to which we belong and prepares pupils to take up their place in society as thoughtful, effective citizens and to develop an awareness of the needs and circumstances of other people, both in our local community and in the wider world.

We aim to open pupils’ eyes to the need to manage the Earth’s resources wisely and to look after our environment in a way that will sustain it for future generations to enjoy. Education for social responsibility is woven into assemblies and activities across the curriculum, especially in Geography, PSHE & Citizenship and Science. This is enhanced through our Forest School programme and the work of clubs such as the Green Team.


Through our charitable initiatives, pupils are actively encouraged to give of themselves in the local community and raise money for charity. Regular fundraising activities include 3:3 and Quad Challenges, the Upper Third Year Charity Fete and mufti days, with proceeds going to support local charities. A group of pupils, supported by members of staff, meet on a weekly basis with a group of elderly residents to play board games, an activity that is enjoyed by all who attend. Food donations for our Harvest Festival are sent to the Hammersmith Foodbank and a group of pupils go along with a teacher to assist with sorting.

These initiatives are an important part of raising awareness among pupils of those who are less fortunate than themselves. They are an ideal way of helping pupils to appreciate life beyond their school community.


Our partnership programme seeks to build strong links with local primary schools. A growing programme of partnership events includes football tournaments, athletics training, music activities, Youth Theatre and involvement with Drama camps during school holidays. Pupils from local primary schools attend enrichment classes in Maths, Science and Classics and also take part in an annual Maths Challenge.


Within school and from the very beginning, we encourage pupils to take on roles of support and leadership. Each form elects a School Council representative and existing pupils buddy with those who have recently joined us. Members of ‘House Families’ look out for each other across the year groups and our older pupils apply for positions of responsibility such as School Monitors and Heads of Houses. Digital Leadership, the Anti-Bullying Ambassador programme and captaincy of sports are ways in which pupils may share in taking care of their community.