Medical Society

MedSoc is the school’s medical society and the home of all Paulines interested in medical practice and biomedical research

Organised by a committee of Eighth Formers, the society runs a series of talks delivered by world renowned medical experts.

Some of the highlights have included talks by neurosurgeon Dr Henry Marsh CBE FRCS, heart surgeon Sir Terence English KBE FRCS FRCP, immunologist Professor Anthony Segal FRS FMedSci, and psychiatrist, drug addiction expert and former government adviser Professor David Nutt FRCP FRCPsych FMedSci. In addition to meeting these eminent scientists in person, we were able to join Dr Colin Brown, KCL expert in infectious medicine, via video link during his field placement in Sierra Leone at the height of the Ebola epidemic.

The Medical Society also works hand in hand with the medical adviser on the universities and careers service, to offer a wealth of advice to medical applicants. This includes presentations by current medical students and senior members from the interview panels of some of the UK’s most prestigious medical schools, as well as a yearly visit to the surgical training suite at Imperial College.